1060 Vienna
„museum in progress is one of the most visionary museum projects of all time.“ (Una Meistere, Arterritory, 2020)
museum in progress is a non-profit art association with the aim of developing innovative forms of presentation for contemporary art. The art initiative, founded in 1990, organises exhibitions in media such as newspapers, magazines, billboards, the facades of buildings, TV, the internet, concert halls or even on board of aeroplanes, and thereby integrates art into everyday life. The work of museum in progress is media-specific, context-dependent and temporary. Based on Joseph Beuys’ “extended definition of art”, this private art association extends the definition of a museum and through its activities transforms the public and media spaces into a “museum” for its art projects.
„From museum in progress I had learnt that museums are first and foremost software, not hardware, and that idea is still much more contemporary and effective than ever.“ (Massimiliano Gioni, New Museum, New York and Fondazione Nicola Trussardi, Milan, 2020)
Further statements about museum in progress