Beyond Security: Approaches toward a Cinema of Okinawa. Parts II and III
Beyond Security: Approaches toward a Cinema of Okinawa. Part I
US Premiere: Masao Adachi, REVOLUTION +1
Nina Fischer and Maroan el Sani: Selected Films
Cybernetic logic is always about the pursuit of a telos. So if you ask artificial intelligence to write a poem, it is always determined by an end, and this end is calculable. But in what I call tragist logic or shanshui logic we find a similar recursive movement, yet the end is something incalculable. So how can we relate back the question of the incalculable to our discussion of the use of artificial intelligence?
By depicting Yamagami’s motive behind the crime and by having discussions about it, we demonstrated that the nature of the problem in Japan is a political crisis. Violence is neither totally negative nor totally positive, but rather something that should be considered on a case-by-case basis. In the end, I chose to depict the contradictions in their entirety, and let the audience come to their own conclusions.
Nagisa Oshima and Landscape Theory
Koji Wakamatsu and Radical Cinema