Launch of e-flux journal issue #142: Cosmos Cinema
Joan Kee and Serubiri Moses: Mao and Afro-Asia in Context
New York reception for 14th Shanghai Biennale: Cosmos Cinema
Cybernetic logic is always about the pursuit of a telos. So if you ask artificial intelligence to write a poem, it is always determined by an end, and this end is calculable. But in what I call tragist logic or shanshui logic we find a similar recursive movement, yet the end is something incalculable. So how can we relate back the question of the incalculable to our discussion of the use of artificial intelligence?
Art history has failed to competently account for the “post-socialist” in postmodernism, not so much as an interpretative framework but as a preexisting and indeed “haunting” condition. The hauntological dimension of post-socialist legacies might just be the missing link that allows us to understand much of postmodern art truly on its own terms, taking account of the inherent contradictions, mediations, and transformations of historical circumstances.
Art and Cosmotechnics: Yuk Hui in conversation with Barry Schwabsky