The Transart Academy
Transart Institute, the global specialist in low-residency practice-based creative research, is offering two new innovative certificate courses to our PhD Preflight course to further the development of your creative praxis.
Each course is tailored to align with whichever stage of advanced creative practice you’ve reached. Whether you are simply looking to reinvigorate a longstanding praxis, want to find out more about practice-based research, or you are even actively preparing to apply to our PhD in creative research program, we have precisely the option for you.
A thriving international praxis
Our academy sessions support you individually and incrementally. Sessions advance in three-month trajectories. You may start with a Praxis Refresher course in the spring, continue with a PhD Explorer course in the fall, apply for the PhD, receive a PhD Preflight scholarship for spring, and embark on a PhD in the summer. Alternatively, consider linking the praxis refresher course serially, exploring new workshops each round, and working with the same or new advisors for fresh input.
Continuing with your advisors privately after your Praxis Refresher course is another way to sustain your creative praxis. We encourage you to join our peer creative praxis and research groups. Join us for one-week residencies and talks to keep your praxis vital, energized, and informed by connecting with other creatives in our intimate, international community.
Together with regular peer creative research groups, monthly dedicated advisor meetings, bonding and networking at workshops and residencies, and continuing to exhibit, perform, screen, and publish together, our academy and PhD program sessions are all excellent ways of creating a sustainable praxis.
Academy PhD explorer course
If you’ve been wondering about practice-based research and whether your creative praxis would be a good fit for work in this field, then this is the course for you. You’ll work with experienced practice-based researchers to gain a deeper understanding of this exciting field, attend presentations by leading practitioners, and develop and share your own unique approach to working in this field with a group of like-minded peers. This intensive course includes two seminars, one workshop, two talks, a one-to-one proposal meeting, and an optional one-week residency. This course will run from September 1–December 1, 2024.
Academy applications: Learn more here. Apply by May 1 here. Email here. One-to-one info meeting sign-up here. Info session: April 20, 2–3pm UTC sign-up here.
Practice PhD admissions: extended until April 7. Apply. Email here.
Wicked Worlding with The Rodina
Saturday, March 30, 3–4pm UTC
What are our roles, responsibilities, and capacities as situated world-makers? How can we design situations and environments encouraging activity leading toward transformation in a viewer or a social context? Amsterdam-based designer Tereza Ruller (The Rodina) offers a range of methods and approaches—including performativity, embodiment, and “processuality” techniques to embrace inclusivity, challenge norms, resist power structures, and convey previously marginalized stories—Wicked Worlding positions communication design as a performative world-making practice. Join us for next Open Window talk here.