e-flux Architecture is an archive and editorial project founded in 2016. e-flux Architecture describes strains of critical discourse surrounding contemporary architecture, culture, and theory internationally.
Since its inception, e-flux Architecture has maintained a dynamic program of projects and events in collaboration with leading institutions and practitioners. Editorial content commissioned and published by e-flux Architecture consistently showcases rigorous, critical, sincere, and engaged work being produced today in and around the fields of architecture, urbanism, and design.
e-flux Architecture announcements are a direct e-mailing of text and image press releases to our growing database of art, architecture, urban and design professionals.
Leading architecture museums, offices, biennials, cultural centers, schools, publishers, and independent architectural practitioners worldwide.
e-flux is read by 70,000+ art, architecture, critical, curatorial, design, and spatial practitioners. In addition to its own, the e-flux Architecture mailing list is comprised of those from e-flux, e-flux Education, and e-flux Agenda.
For current rates please contact us.
Nikolaus Hirsch
Anton Vidokle
Deputy Editor
Nick Axel
Assistant Editors
Christina Moushoul
Jesse Connuck
Announcements Curator
Sara Silva

Nikolaus Hirsch
Anton Vidokle
Deputy Editor
Nick Axel
Assistant Editors
Christina Moushoul
Jesse Connuck
Announcements Curator
Sara Silva
A collaboration with Architekturmuseum der TUM in the Pinakothek der Moderne and Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan
With GerHub, Łukasz Stanek, Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh, Jasmina Cibic, Leigh House, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Andres Lepik, Ye Liu, Anya Sirota, Ana Ivanovska Deskova and more…
A project by e-flux Architecture in collaboration with the University of Technology Sydney, the Technical University of Munich, the University of Liverpool, and Transsolar
With Aleksandra Kędziorek, Roger Boltshauser, Matthias Peterseim, Soha Macktoom, Nausheen H. Anwar, Mariam Ahmad, Marc Angélil, Cary Siress, Rachael Wakefield-Rann, Muoto and more…
A collaboration with Critical Urbanisms at the University of Basel and the African Centre for Cities of the University of Cape Town.
With Kenny Cupers, Zandi Sherman, Sophie Toupin, Emilio Distretti, Sarah Nuttall, Huda Tayob, Samia Henni, Megan Eardley, Irene Peano, Achille Mbembe
A collaboration with Beatriz Colomina, e-flux Architecture, CIVA Brussels, and the Princeton University Ph.D. Program in the History and Theory of Architecture.
With Mark Wigley, An Tairan, Guillermo Sánchez Arsuaga, Carrie Bly, Rebecca Kellawan, Shivani Shedde, Victoria Bergbauer, Kara Plaxa, Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Iván López Munuera and more…
A collaboration with the Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture at Columbia University
With Shea Howell, Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Daniel Fernández Pascual, Alon Schwabe, Catherine Coleman Flowers, Marcela Olivera, Maia Brown, Jacinta Ruru, Malini Ranganathan, Andrea Ballestero and more…
A collaboration with the United States Pavilion of the 16th International Architecture Exhibition at La Biennale di Venezia
With Adrienne Brown, Ana María León, Imre Szeman, Dan Handel, Jennifer Scappettone, Ingrid Burrington, Nicholas de Monchaux, Mabel O. Wilson, Kian Goh, Rod Barnett and more…