Release of the second issue titled Workout, investigating the architecture and design practice of the now
Superposition Workout investigates the architecture and design practice of the now and to understand why the way we work is closely related to the work we produce. In our current times of predicament, the working process becomes as important as the work itself, and new tendencies in how we shape our working environments arise in parallel to new formats of collaborations and create multiple possibilities for individuals, collectives, offices, and platforms to develop agilely and according to current needs.
Superposition presents a consciously subjective selection of positions, representing the various personal interests of the editorial board and guest editor. Workout is structured similarly to the first issue Hardcore Home, but at the same time, re-developed the concept of what publishing today can offer and what Superposition stands for.
This new issue was developed over almost two years, as before in close collaboration with its contributors—the number of contributors increased from around 20 in Hardcore Home to almost 40 in Workout—each one with a different background and a unique take on the topic.
Workout was guest edited by Freek Persyn, founder of Brussels-based architecture practice 51N4E and professor at the ETH in Zurich where he founded NEWROPE. Superposition and Persyn started the conversation in 2021 and developed this issue and its content, together and in parallel.
As part of this collaboration, together with OK-RM, NEWROPE and 51N4E, an insert zine was additionally produced that adds a different angle to the idea of what a periodical can offer. This insert is included in Superposition Workout, a larger version, with an educational frame, is available in a limited number of 500 copies as a separate publication.
Superposition Workout can be purchased through their online shop and through selected stockists. To celebrate the release of its new issue Superposition offers a special price for those who order both issues together in a bundle. To purchase or get information about their worldwide stockists, please visit here.
Issue two, Workout, is guest edited by Freek Persyn and contains contributions by: 51N4E, ANY, Feyikemi Bello, Matthew Blunderfield, BUREAU, Luigi Alberto Cippini, Max Creasy, Alessandro Cugola, Wayne Daly, Natassa Dourida, Ewa Effiom, Ehrl Bielicky, Bianca Felicori, Javier Fernandez Contreras, Jes Fernie, Fredi Fischli+Niels Olsen, Takeshi Hayatsu, Chioma Ebinama, Valeriia Karaman, David Klemmer, Roxane Le Grelle, Jonas Løland, Marbledworks, Nifemi Marcus-Bello, Johnston Marklee, Joan Membrive, MOS, Hikaru Nissanke, Valentina Noce, OK-RM, Elizabeth Orr, Freek Persyn, Grace Prince, Point Supreme, PoOr Collective, Benedetta Tagliabue, Helen Thomas, Leonidas Trampoukis, Schneider Türtscher
Editors: Leo Bettini Oberkalmsteiner, Tibor Bielicky, Max Creasy, Ellena Ehrl, Dominic Kim / Guest Editor: Freek Persyn / Copy editing and proofreading: Rosie Ellison-Ballam / Art direction and design: Daly & Lyon / With the support of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. Lithography, printing and binding: DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg GmbH / Typefaces: Takt by Janis Gildein, Berlin; Alpha Book by Omnitype, Lausanne.
ISSN: 2673-4508
Edition of 1,500
Specs: 22.3cm x 29.7cm x 1.3cm / 144 pages / 550g
Including insert zine with 32 pages in black on yellow, art direction and design by OK-RM.
*Images above: (3) “Living Outside” photographs by Max Creasy. Notes by Leonidas Trampoukis, Chioma Ebinama, Konstantinos Pantazis and Marianna Rentzou, Natassa Dourida. (4) “Bodybuilding” Schneider Türtscher & Arkitekt Jonas Løland. (5) “On Practice” Johnston Marklee, MOS, Ehrl Bielicky. (6) “How to Work Out Problems of Your Own Making: Humour and Minimalism” Elizabeth Orr in conversation with Dominic Kim, photographs by Max Creasy. (7) “51N4E - ARTECONOMY HOUSE” text by Ellena Ehrl, photographs by Tibor Bielicky. (8) Zine Insert: Dialectical thoughtforms in confrontation with 51N4E’s work. Collaboration: 51N4E, NEWROPE, Superposition, art direction and design by OK-RM.